Zoom link for the meeting tonight is:
If you have never used Zoom before and need help joining a meeting you can find it here:
If you are unable to access Zoom and would like to join the meeting by dialling in on your telephone, please let me know and I will give you the numbers and meeting ID, We won’t be able to see you but we should be able to hear you.
The Parish Council is seeking your views on the following Outline planning application:
20/07932/OUT Application for Outline Planning
Proposal: Outline planning application for up to 26 dwellings and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved for future consideration except for access At: Land at Sandleaze Farm, Worton
As is usual with all planning applications, Wiltshire Council has consulted Worton Parish Council and invited them to respond on 20/07932/OUT Land at Sandleaze Farm. The Parish Council will consider their response to this application at their meeting on 2 November.
Prior to that though, the Parish Council would like to hear the views of Worton residents. To help us do that, we will be holding a Zoom meeting on Thursday 22 October at 7pm. The link to the meeting is:
This link will also be available on our website and Facebook page or can be sent via email from the Clerk: clerk@worton.org.uk
If you are unable to join the Zoom meeting and would like to share your views, please write to the Clerk, Liz Starling, 1 Charter Close, Devizes SN10 2SJ or email clerk@worton.org.uk. Alternatively, you can phone her on 01380 725658 between 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday.
Sharing your views with the Parish Council does NOT take the place of making your own response to Wiltshire Council on this (or any other) application. This can be done via the website: https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/planning or by emailing Developmentmanagement@wiltshire.gov.uk or by writing to them: Development Management, Wiltshire Council, Monkton Park Chippenham, SN15 1ER
An explanation of Outline Planning
Applications for outline planning permission seek to establish whether the scale and nature of a proposed development would be acceptable to the local planning authority, before a fully detailed proposal is put forward. This type of planning application allows fewer details about the proposal to be submitted. Once outline permission has been granted, a further application will be submitted for approval of the details (“reserved matters”) before work can start. These details will be the subject of a “reserved matters” application at a later stage.
Information regarding the Zoom meeting
For those of you that haven’t used Zoom before, we can assure you it is really easy. There is lots of help on the Zoom website for example:
Getting started with Zoom: https://bit.ly/3dm0lbA
Instruction for joining a meeting: https://bit.ly/33TqgnM
If you want to download Zoom before the meeting (you don’t have to as it will automatically be download when you join the meeting) either Zoom Client for Meetings or Zoom Mobile Apps can be downloaded from: https://zoom.us/download
Please note that the public Zoom meeting on 22 October will be recorded to help the Clerk with accurate note taking.
All participants joining the meeting will be muted. You will be unmuted one by one and will be able to express your views. It would be helpful if you would give your name before you start to speak. Once all the participants have spoken, the Chairman will ask if anyone has anything further to say. If you would like to speak again, please indicate by raising a ‘virtual hand’ or by putting a message in the Zoom chat.
We hope that this process will allow everyone a chance to express their views.